Course curriculum

  • 1

    Course Introduction

    • A Welcome Message! Introduction to the Course

    • Course Overview slides

    • Self-assessment instructions

    • Developing Leaders in Affordable Housing Development - Training and Technical Assistance Program

  • 2

    Key Legal Documents: Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws

    • Key Legal Documents: Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws

    • Legal Documents Self-Evaluation

  • 3

    Mission, Vision, and Strategic Planning

    • Mission, Vision, and Strategic Planning

    • Mission, Vision, and Strategic Planning Homework

    • Mission, Vision, and Strategic Planning Self-Evaluation

  • 4

    The Board of Directors

    • The Board of Directors

    • Board of Directors Homework

    • The Board of Directors Self-Evaluation

  • 5

    Senior Management, Staff, and Human Resources

    • Senior Management and Staff

    • Human Resources

    • Senior Management Self-Evaluation

    • Staff Self-Evaluation

    • Human Resources Self-Evaluation

  • 6

    Program Management

    • Program Management

    • Program Management Homework

    • Program Management Self-Evaluation

  • 7

    Financial Management

    • Financial Management

    • Fund Development

    • Financial Management Homework

    • Financial Management Self-Evaluation

  • 8

    Focus on the Community, and Marketing

    • Focus on Community

    • Marketing Basics

    • Community Homework

    • Community Self-Evaluation

    • Marketing Self-Evaluation

  • 9

    Systems & Infrastructure, and Asset Management

    • Systems & Infrastructure

    • Asset Management

    • Developing and Operating Small Scale Rental Properties Guidebook

    • Systems & Infrastructure Self-Evaluation

    • Asset Management Self-Evaluation

  • 10

    Summary Self-Evaluations

    • Summary Score Sheet for Self-Evaluations


What to Expect from this Course

We've designed this course to highlight all of the major areas of excellence needed for a nonprofit organization to thrive in the affordable housing development industry.

  • Overview of what a strong Board of Directors looks like

  • Overview of how to ensure a strong Financial Management system is in place

  • Overview of staffing senior management positions, etc.


  • Is this course really Free?

    Yes! This course is made available for Free for a limited time to nonprofit organizations through the generous donations of our partners, Fifth Third, WellsFargo, JP Morgan Chase, and Truist to name just a few.

  • Is there anyone I can contact if I have questions while in the course?

    Yes! The contact information for each presenter is included in every course module. You can email or call them directly.

Elevate your housing expertise today!

Sign up for this FREE course today and start building your capacity as a nonprofit affordable housing developer. This course will provide you with all the tools and techniques to grow a high performing organization.
Woman facilitating a group discussion